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What to expect upon arrest

Being arrested can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it’s never happened to you before. Here’s five things to expect upon arrest…

Being arrested can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it’s never happened to you before.

Generally, you should expect the following but please note that it is important you get advice relative to your circumstances. Get in touch with one of our Criminal Lawyers today, or learn more about how the Craig Caldicott Lawyers team can help you through arrest and bail.

Five things to expect:

1. To be told you are being arrested. This includes what you are being arrested for.

2. For your entire interaction with Police to be recorded on body worn video. (There is no such thing as an ‘off the record’ conversation!)

3. To be read your arrest rights. These are important and you should listen carefully. Arrest rights include your right to call a relative or friend, to legal advice, to an interpreter should you need one, and to apply for bail (among others).

4. To be asked questions by Police and for those questions and answers to be recorded. This recording (called a Record of Interview) can be used against you in criminal proceedings. It is important that you use your right to seek legal advice so you can consider whether you wish to answer questions or not!

5. To either be released on bail (with conditions including to return to Court) or remanded in custody awaiting a Court appearance.

Call (08) 7095 3440 or email us to learn more about your rights when being arrested.