Court House

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Going to Court for the first time?

Craig Caldicott Lawyers are here to talk (and walk) you through what to expect when you go to Court. 

Attending Court is something that we, as Criminal Lawyers, are used to. But that’s not something we expect from our clients. We will talk (and walk) you through the process including showing you a Court room for the first time. We want to make attending Court as comfortable as possible, even though we know it’s not.

You will walk through airport-type security and find your courtroom. If you don’t know which courtroom you are in you can find your name in the list. Often, your matter will be listed in a courtroom with up to 30 other matters. You’ll be asked by the Sheriff’s Officer for your name and if you have a lawyer. The matters are called out one by one. Lawyers (and police prosecutors) stand at the bar table, the Magistrate (or Judge) sits at the bench, and you (as the Defendant) sit or stand in the dock.


At Craig Caldicott Lawyers, we can help you through this daunting time! Get in touch with us today for a free 20 minute no obligation consult – (08) 7095 3440.