Our Services


Terrorism offences are serious charges. Craig Caldicott Lawyers know your rights and can help you to understand them.  


Police car on the street

Terrorism offences are serious charges that can often draw a lot of media attention. They are terrifying enough to be charged with, but the added commotion can make an already stressful and overwhelming situation harder for you. Craig Caldicott Lawyers know your rights and can help you to understand them.  

All terrorism offences can result in imprisonment and could range anywhere from the lowest sentence of 10 year to the highest sentence of life in prison. This is why it is extremely important to seek legal advice straight away if you have been charged with a terrorism offence.  

Because of the high stakes consequences and the media attention that comes with being charged with a terrorism offence this is not a situation you want to go through alone. Craig Caldicott Lawyers will help you through the process from beginning to end.